All posts tagged Workout

Post Workout Shot

George the trainer, Jack and I after a decent workout. Love the feeling of getting fit again!


Livvy the muscle girl!

Livvy decided to do a workout with me today, she did well! She was really getting into it! That’s my girl, the boys won’t mess with you!

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Leg workout for a tramp…

I’m heading up tramping soon with Gav and Si. We’re planning to go Alpine and will be carrying a fair bit of weight, so thought I’d do some leg work.  Went up to the local gym and was leg pressing 250kg, which is a new limit for my chickenlegs… The machine was broken and wouldn’t go down fully but still a decent attempt for a 40yo! (old man!) – I did 10x sets of 10 reps…


Gym day! Jack and Dad
