All posts tagged Tramp

Jack – 2017 Australian Nationals

Jack did a great job over there, 5th place overall and 2nd in the finals. We’re very happy with his performance given the new age bracket he’s in. Here’s a few photos!

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Pinnacles trip with Dad and Jack

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Hikinng at Turoa

   I love it when you get the chance for a great country family shot! These were from the quick work trip we just did to Ohakune this week. We managed to see the snow, had a hike and ended up at DeBretts hot pools in Taupo. Gad a great trip!

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Jack the awesome jumper!

Check out the photos from the Australian Nationals. These awesome photos really captured his form well. Very proud of this lad.

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Jack–The Upper South Island Champ!

Jack had a great day at the Upper South Island Champs! He won the Double Mini and the main Tramp contest. We’re so proud of him – it’s fantastic to see our boy succeed! Next mission the New Zealand Champs in Auckland in about 5-6 weeks!


Jack at Snow Xchange

Some pics from our basic training night at the Snow Xchange. Jack and Dad went there tonight to play on the tramps, ramps and foam pits.


Jack the Stuntman!

Here’s a vid that Billy Norton made of Jack being a stuntman!

Devils Punchbowl Hike

We had Vishal and Gopika down for a holiday, so took them for a nice walk to the Devils Punchbowl in Arthurs Pass. Decent walk, good fun, great company!


Hiking backcountry with the lads! Cheeseman & Olympus!

Here’s some pics from a hike I did with Gavin and Si Sharp. We did 3x 2000m+ peaks in a few days and a few nights camping in an alpine tent by a tarn. I have to say this pushed me quite a bit. I now have a new appreciated of what ‘mountain fit’ means!!

Great company and a good time in perfect weather. We climbed Mt Cheeseman, Mt Olympus and Mt Cockayne. Nice meal at Arthurs Pass to finish it all off on a high note!

(Click pics with shadows for enlargements)




Click these panoramas below for a bigger view… (Thanks iPhone5)




Me and Si Sharp taking a breather…


Gavin the legend resting up…



Possibly the worlds nicest tent spot  Winking smile



This gives a feel to the sort of altitude we were at. Pretty high up!




We found this plaque at Arthurs Pass. Have a read as it’s fantastic!



Here’s the lads taking on a decent feed after all the effort. Loved it…


An Adventure Day!

We took the family out today for a wee adventure. First stop was the Orton Bradley Park where we went for a nice tramp. The kids did well…

Then we went to Diamond Harbour Wharf for a spot of fishing and Jack had a swim, well actually a jump off the wharf from a swinging gantry rope. Great fun! See the vids below!

