All posts tagged Tiger

Olivia’s First Show

Olivia & Tiger’s first outing was to Courtney A & P Show this morning. What fun! Lovely Lesley lead Tiger and Livvy to victory in the Lead Rein classes. Livvy has come home very rich and with ALL the red ribbons and the Champion ribbon. However, it was slightly disappointing that no one else turned up to compete in their class. 🙂

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Tiger and the kids

Here’s a few pics of the kids having fun with Tiger the pony…

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Livvy riding Tiger

She’s starting to get the hang of it…

Livvy and Tiger…

Livvy seems to be getting the hang of her riding on Tiger the pony. She’s doing well…


Jack riding Tiger!

This is Tiger the pony, He’s our new borrowed pony. Turns out that Jack’s becoming quite a good little rider!
