All posts tagged Tank

Thanks to the ChCh earthquake, we now have a new water tank!

If you look below the tank is no longer in the middle. It shifted 6 inches in the quake and we were concerned it would fall through the office roof and squash the staff. EQC were great and approved a replacement.

So I worked magic and got the contractors sorted and now the old tank is down and new one in – all in a day! new pump goes in tomorrow!


You can see below how close the old tank/stand was to the office. The new tank is great though, 13,650 litres actually! (chose the smaller one).



New view out the kitchen. I guess we need to plant some trees! Glad to have a safe water supply now though and stoked that EQC and Westpac came to the party quickly. Much appreciated!

A visit to the Sallie’s ‘Big Boys Toys’ day!

While getting a new front tyre on the motorbike at the Suzuki shop, I chatted with the guy doing the sausage sizzle and it turned out he was the Pastor of the Linwood Salvation Army.

He told me they were having a ‘Big Boys Toys’ day so the next weekend, Jack and I trotted off to the church. Awesome service and lots of toys!

Below is Jack standing by the famous Brittan bike. Andrew Stroud the famous superbike rider gave a great speech!


Look who I bumped into! Graeme and Anne Evans! They look such a cool couple of bikers on the Beamer!


It took Jackson about 30 secs to find my model bike (Suzuki Katana).


They had decorated the Church with all sorts of cool toys. Bikes, Kayaks, Kites, Scooters etc…

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Jack found the cool cars…

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Then he spotted a plane so crawled up inside.


He loved the tank though. When he climbed in it I could hardly get him out! He kept asking if I could take it home.  😉 That’s my boy!

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