All posts tagged River

For the love of horses…

Jack and his two mates, just chilling in the grass… He’s such a sweet kid, really loves his dog and pony.


Hikinng at Turoa

   I love it when you get the chance for a great country family shot! These were from the quick work trip we just did to Ohakune this week. We managed to see the snow, had a hike and ended up at DeBretts hot pools in Taupo. Gad a great trip!

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Equine Kids

A boy, a girl, a pony and a unicorn!


Jack’s pony ‘River’

Jackson is loving his new little pony ‘River’. I think they’ll do well together. This wee fella came sight unseen from Golden Bay.

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Jack and Dad’s fishing day!

I did a mission with my wee boy Jack today. I took him backcountry to teach him about fly fishing and see if we could get him into his first trout.

We took off about 5:30am, under the cover of darkness after a hearty breakfast. Chilled out at Lake Lyndon to watch the sun come up.


We first went up to Lake Pearson and did some spin fishing and fly fishing practice, before heading to the Porter River.





This is Jack fly fishing in the first pool on the Porter. With a little ‘Dad help’ I got him into about a 3-4lb rainbow using a small Hare & Copper nymph. He fought the fish for a few minutes and then got busted off!


Jack hooked into a big trout.


Further up the Porter (we walked about 3km) I spotted a nice trout behind a rock. I ducked down a cliff, stalked it and got him first cast! It was great for Jack to see a fish, then see me stalk, hook and land the fish .



Proud dad feeling chuffed.


And here’s dinner! Oil, butter, rosemary, garlic, herbs, salt and pepper!


Kids at the beach!

Sarah was out doing horsey things today so I took the kids out for some fun. First we went to Orana Park and checked out all the animals. Then I took them down to the Waimak mouth and let the kids play on the beach. They totally loved it.



Jack’s such a good boy. Olivia wandered off so he went and got her. Walked all the way back holding her hand.



Jack throwing stones and Olivia wondering what all the fuss is.


Dam kids!

We popped up to Kowhai Bush the other day with Si and Jane. Simon and I taught the kids how to build a dam! Retro fun times hey!


A day on the Opihi Gorge

Just a nice photo of the Opihi Gorge. I went flyfishing with Stu Clark for the day. Saw a few trout, caught none, but had a great day!

Squirting my lad!

We found a nice spot on the river for lunch and a swim ;-)  ratbag1 

Jack having too much fun in the water and looking cheeky… I think he needs some water pistol action.


“Gotcha Jack! – Take that!”


“Oh No! He’s coming after me!”
