All posts tagged Jump

Fun day with family

We had a free day today so visited Gran and Poppa, then took the kids to Jump to play on the trampolines. Later on, it was a nice family dinner.

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Nice to see Jack gardening with Grandad… Planting beans  😉

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Followed by a cool family dinner…

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Jack’s Bike Fun

This is a wee track Jack made behind the shed. Good job! I tried it and went A over K!


And here’s him practicing jumps!

Jack the (little) Ripper!

Some pics from Jack ripping up Washington skatepark today! Even I got the old skateboard out and had a go, a few drop-ins, 50/50’s and grinds… Still got it!






The scooter kid!

Jack and Livvy are loving their scooters. Jack’s been a good boy lately so I did the Dad thing and built him a new ramp. Just high enough for him to get a good kick… Even I went over a few times on my old school skateboard! Still got the skills!




Jack doing jumps!

He’s just worked out jumps and can also drop in on the quarter pipe at Rolleston. What a cool kid! Taking after his Dad for sure!

Jack’s new ramp!

After the visit form the Auckland Stones, it became apparent that Jack had outgrown his smaller ramp. So we popped down to the workshop and within 30 mins had rebuilt it about 15cm higher and put bracing on it (for Dad). Goes great now, perfect size for him. Check out these jumps!


E.T. Phone Home?

This is Jack, the wonder-biker doing his impersonation of the 80’s classic E.T. movie scene. A bit higher and he’d have it nailed!



Jack being a hoon!
