All posts tagged Horses / Animals

Kids and horses!


Stables nearly done!

Sarah’s new flash stables. Man they’ve built these things tough! Has to be the strongest in the Waikato!! Will be finished this week! She’s stoked!

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Olivia’s First Show

Olivia & Tiger’s first outing was to Courtney A & P Show this morning. What fun! Lovely Lesley lead Tiger and Livvy to victory in the Lead Rein classes. Livvy has come home very rich and with ALL the red ribbons and the Champion ribbon. However, it was slightly disappointing that no one else turned up to compete in their class. 🙂

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Mods to Sarah’s Truck

Sarah’s truck is cute but the internal layout needed love. The horses faced the wrong way, was a tight squeeze and there was no access to the front. We tried it with the horses and they got on but it wasn’t pretty with Grace. Mr H is a dude though. So here’s what we’ve done this week.

New dividers and gates thanks to Mustang Floats. New ply on walls, ply stained, 4x outside tie-ups, a new shelf on the door, brackets, hooks and saddle mounts all fitted. Also a new fabricated rug rack. I’ve painted the old blue steel now. Looks good, and we got both the horses up and on there!

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Mum’s new toy! Her first truck!

Sarah’s about to have a good adventure! No more floating horses! We’ve just found her a little cheapie truck to get around up north! She sits her HT soon, but this will be a heap safer on the road!

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Another horsey girl!

Looks like Sarah’s got a mini-me on her hands!


Horse girl in the making!

Check out Livvy! looking totally at home as a country girl. Sarah get her a helmet so she can ride Milo. She’s in her element!





Sarah’s Wooly Jumper!

Some nice pics of Sarah jumping her freebie horse Paddy at the West Melton Pony Club. That horse sure can lift it’s legs!




Sarah’s awesome horse…

here’s a lovely pic of Sarah, my awesome wife on her amazing horse Rhyan. He’s a superstar and a pretty good chap. Doesn’t she look happy!


Emily riding Pinto

This is Emily having a ride on Pinto the wonderpony. Both rider and pony came out unscathed…