All posts tagged Garage

The office is nearly done! We’re moving in anyway!

Here’s the ‘before’ shot when it was just a garage…


And after the garage roller doors were removed, this is the finished outside… We wanted it to appear non-descript and plain  😉


And now for the inside! We’re going to move in over the next day or two. Looking forward to it! A few bits left to do but we’ll knock them off over the next week or so.


My office is the green corner cube  😉
We’re powered and wired for 5x workstations.

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Will tackle the kitchen over the next weekend. It’s kitset, so should be a doddle to whack together.


Shower, toilet and laundry going in. Will be done in a day or two.


Telecomms below going to the house.


The new shed takes shape!

We’re turning the current garage into an office. This means we won’t have a garage, so this is the new shed going up…
