All posts tagged Fun

Fun at the park!

I took the kids to the park in the Botanical Gardens today. Had a wee picnic on the grass and the kids burnt off some energy.



Fun at the Groynes!

I took the kids for a day out to the Groynes. We walked for ages and did heaps of playing. The kids loved it and Olivia learnt how to use slides!

I made Jack walk across the river – he loved it!




The goofball kids!

Check out these vids of Olivia and Jack playing rough and tumble! I love seeing these two just playing and being total gooses… I think Jack is starting to really enjoy his sister and she totally adores him.   

Jack’s buddies…

Here’s Jackson with some of his soft toy buddies. There’s a few more in storage but these are his favorites. He’ll think it’s Christmas when all our house stuff comes back from the movers…


The balloon visit was a little ‘deflating’ but fun.

We popped up to Darfield to see the ‘Balloon Day’ but unfortunately it was too windy and they could blow them up. Still nice to go see the big Balloon even if it was a little ‘flat’. 


Jack in the Sprinkler!
