All posts tagged Earthquake

Last of the EQ repairs!

The stable concrete was cracked from the earthquake. Good to see it getting sorted today! Should look great!

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Wanna play Quakeopoly?

I just saw this on the web. A light hearted look at the drama us Cantabrians have gone through in the past year. Brilliant!

Click to zoom in!


House rebuild update…

All windows are in and we have a front door! (Painting house next week)


Bathroom is getting there… Gib and plumber tomorrow. All the tiles go in mid next week I hope.


Almost all the internal ceiling is on…


All the walls are up!

Roof should be started this week with the aim to have the coloursteel going on about mid next week.




Walls getting higher…

I’ve just been told by the builders that they’ll have the walls done up to the roofline  by the end of the week. Next week is the roof!

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It’s all happening now!

We officially have timber on the slab! The roof should be on in a week or two!



Check out how much wood’s been dropped on the lawn! I wonder if the sprinklers will still work?


The new entrance deck

I’m probably getting a little ahead of myself here seeing as we haven’t even got a house at the mo, but I’m building a new deck leading up to the entrance. It’ll have fern gardens on the side and be illuminated underneath. Nice!



The Slab gets Prepped!

Although looking at the pictures below, it may seem hard to believe, apparently the new place will be finished ready to move in about 4-5 weeks from now! These guys work fast!!

Below is the toilet/bathroom area showing the new plumbing and bathroom extension on the right. Tricky stuff! The bath sits over the shingle pile on the right. The 3 lots of upright pipes from the left are shower, toilet vanity and bathroom vanity.


The 4x short pipes below on the right (behind the rubble) are under the hot water cylinder in the hall cupboard.


Below shows the tweaks to the edges of the slab. To meet the new Fraemohs design style, they had to remove all the inset edges.


Earthquake Clippings

Check out the chart below. So far we’ve been in 388 earthquakes! Man! It would be an understatement to say we’ve been shaken, not stirred!


If you look below, We live where the white arrow is. That’s how close we are to the fault line. Crazy stuff!


The new pump shed nearly complete!

A bit of painting to do and we’ll sort a garden around it, but the pump shed is almost done, and most importantly – we have water!


17mm treated ply bolted to the old steel tank tower frame. Was a bugger cutting ply to skewed trapezoid shapes! Should be nice and solid. Just the edge strips and door left to do.

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Here’s the new pump and filter. The white cylinder is a 20 micron particulate filter I added to remove most of the sediment. The Aquifer is still a little dirty and if the sediment gets to the house it ruins the ceramics and fittings.


The new system is high pressure (we had low) but when connected, a number of joints leaked (below ground too…). They couldn’t handle the load  😉 So there’s been a good number of small leaks we’ve needed to fix.


The end result though is that we now have a 13,650 litre storage tank and high pressure house supply with awesome tap and shower pressure!

A few loose ends to tidy but should be all finished by next week!