All posts tagged Dinner

Jack and Dad in Auckland

Jack the muscleman climbing Mt Wellington… He’s looking strong and happy. Love it! We were up for the ProWorkflow Christmas party and the rock climbing was a blast. We followed that up with a slap up meal at Casablanca (Mediterranean food).

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Fun day with family

We had a free day today so visited Gran and Poppa, then took the kids to Jump to play on the trampolines. Later on, it was a nice family dinner.

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Nice to see Jack gardening with Grandad… Planting beans  😉

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Followed by a cool family dinner…

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Selwyn Awards…

These are from the Selwyn Business Awards. Our mate Nick Reekie was nominated so we all went along for an awesome shindig. Great food, great company.

selwyn biz awards


62nd Anniversary!

We had a nice night out celebrating Sarah’s Grandparents 62nd wedding anniversary at Cobb and Co. Awesome effort and still totally in love. They’re just such cool people!


Mau Mau for dinner!

Nothing so delicious as a nice bit of Great Barrier fish for tea!


Here’s a photo of the fish (Blue Mau Mau) before I caught him  Winking smile . This was from the Bro Trip 2013 with Simon and I. Much fun was had!
