All posts tagged Deck

Party Deck Complete!!

Party deck finished! Just need some furniture, some landscaping, lights, lemonade, hotdogs, 80’s music and good friends…

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Progress on the party deck!


Planting the entrance path

Sarah, Jack and I felt energetic so tackled the entrance garden today… Here’s the fruit of our efforts! We’ve just got to find two awesome plants to go in the planters and it’ll look great!




The entrance deck is done!

Just need the deck lights, fern garden up each side and it’ll be good to go. I needed a flagstone (Shist rock) for an initial step.

I did a contra with the stonemason… Two metre wide flat stones for two bottles of Bourbon. So I had to pop to the liquor shop for a few bottles. Typical dodgy country deals eh. Will look great though!




The new entrance deck

I’m probably getting a little ahead of myself here seeing as we haven’t even got a house at the mo, but I’m building a new deck leading up to the entrance. It’ll have fern gardens on the side and be illuminated underneath. Nice!

