All posts tagged Dad

Dad & Ali’s Wedding

Yesterday was a big day. A new chapter in the family as Dad married Ali in a lovely ceremony at the beach. Here’s a few photos from the day. I totally enjoyed catching up with old family friends.

Was nice to see all the 4x boys together as well, doesn’t happen to often and great to see the young kids all playing well and just enjoying the chaos.

Was great to see Julie up from CHCH, Clarks, Mounces, Evans, Elmsleys, Wilsons and more from the past.

All the best Dad and Ali!

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The lads hit the Tongariro…

Some pics from a quick lads fishing trip with Grandad, Jack and I… This was on the Tongariro river down Turangi way. Wet and cold but any day fishing is a good day as they say!

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The Walkway Extension

I’ve been meaning to get the end of the walkway finished for a while. Tool a day in the weekend and knocked it off! Good job Dad! Livvy was a great helper!


Dad the groover!


Dad Dancing

Just a small fun moment of my Dad having a dance with Ali and Sarah.  Winking smile


Dad and Livvy’s Auck Trip…

Livvy and me went to Auckland to see the family and do the office Chrissy party. We both had a great time and she was a great girl. I think she felt all grown up!


Dad’s 70th Bash!

Some pics from my Dad’s 70th birthday bash. Was great to catch up with all the old family friends and it was a thoroughly fun evening! The kids had a blast!









Day off fishing with Dad…

Just had a nice day on the water with Dad. Mostly we caught tiddlers, but was still a great day with heaps of sun! We went around Waiheke and tried everything, but mostly just small fish today. It was such a nice day though that we didn’t mind. I made Dad a  cuppa over by the muscle farms.

Skipper J below!



Dad having fun in the sun…


Here’s a tiny fella! Lots of these today!


And nice Kahawhai for dinner!


Jack’s Robo Chum!


Boys and bikes!

Here’s Jack doing an awesome jump of the main walkway!

And this is my bike. Prob a bit old to be doing this but who cares, I’m having fun! Reliving my youth!
