All posts tagged Christmas

Christmas at the Stones

Sign of a massive Christmas Day….crashed out on way home in her big brothers clothes because hers got wet in the slip’n slide bouncy castle. Thanx family was wonderful to see you all. Great to have the next generation on dishes at Gran & Poppas. Xxxxx MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Christmas 2014!


A Stoney Christmas!

Here’s a pile of photos from the Stone family Christmas 2013! It was an epic bash and total chaos for a week but in a good way! We had the best time – love them all!


Christmas Kids!

Just a couple of cool kids…


Christmas at the Stones!

Jane, Simon, Zach and Jed came down for Christmas this year (and New Years). We loved hanging out with them and the kids had a blast (when not killing each other.

Here’s a few pics (and some of the new pony, Milo)…




Livvy going for a ride on Milo…


Toasting marshmallows over the fire…



Jackson getting professional riding lessons from Mum…


Xmas spirit has arrived at the Stones!

I think Jackson has somehow hold hold of Sarah’s Christmas spirit! They’re all in there madly decorating the tree! And it’s only November!



Christmas Day!

Christmas day at the Stones was pretty cruisy. Jack got a heap of prezzies, we had a nice breakfast, lunch at the Vivs, afternoon at Leslies and dinner at the Hodges! Missed the Auckland family but still a nice day.

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Jack’s huge stash of goodies!


Daycare Christmas Play!

Jack’s Daycare (Selwyn Toddlers) put on the annual Christmas play. Jack did his bit, until he spotted us – then needed a cuddle  😉

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