All posts tagged BMX

Jack’s new ramp!

After the visit form the Auckland Stones, it became apparent that Jack had outgrown his smaller ramp. So we popped down to the workshop and within 30 mins had rebuilt it about 15cm higher and put bracing on it (for Dad). Goes great now, perfect size for him. Check out these jumps!


Jack the Stunt Man!

We were watching out the window and Jackson came by on my BMX. Check out the stunt he’s taught himself!

Boys and bikes!

Here’s Jack doing an awesome jump of the main walkway!

And this is my bike. Prob a bit old to be doing this but who cares, I’m having fun! Reliving my youth!


Jackson the super biker!

I took Jack to the Hornby bike park tonight for a blat. Check out my boy ripping it up! What a dude! Next lesson – Jumps!