All posts tagged Baby

And she’s off!

Olivia only just started crawling about 2 weeks ago and she’s already trying to stand up all the time! Man! I’m going to need to do some serious babyproofing around this place!


Hi world! It’s livvie!

“Daddy had the iPhone and was snapping away so I thought I’d stick my beautiful face in front. Guess what! Daddy snapped a photo! I’m cute! Oh! do you like my mouth bubbles! I can do bottom burps as well!”


A face anyone will love!

How’s this for a cute wee smile from our little angel Olivia. She’s growing up nicely and starting to find her rhythm…


Mum and Daughter chatting!

Here’s a nice vid of Sarah and Olivia having a wee chat. She’s turning into a little chatterbox these days!

Are they smiles?

Must be getting close… We’ve had a few smiles today that seem like real ones. Looking forward to Livvie’s smiles being a regular occurence



Cute Olivia…

Here’s a compulsory baby shot  😉 Mum and bubs still doing great, a few broken sleeps but she’s all healthy and growing well.


Welcome baby Olivia!

Last night near midnight, Sarah started having contractions. We called the midwife who told us to stay put and just let things develop…

When it got a bit heavy we trundled off to Darfield Hospital where after a fairly straight forward 2-3hr delivery Sarah gave birth to a beautiful 9lb 8 baby girl.

Her name is “Olivia Zoe Diane Stone” – but call her ‘Livvy’…

Both mother and daughter are doing fine. We’re all at home and just relaxing and getting in the swing of it.



And then the adrenalin wears off and tiredness sets in !


And a closeup of her squishy podgy face!


Good timing! Grandad just happened to turn up with the bus yesterday so was roped into babysitting Jackson when we headed to hospital.


So welcome Olivia to the Stone Crew! You probably don’t realize what you’ve got yourself into but then neither do we so you’re in good company!

The glowing mum!

Sarah may look happy in this photo…


But I’m sure she’s a bit over being kicked in the guts by the bub!