All posts tagged 90kg

Dad’s crack at 100kg…

Getting a little stronger these days thanks to an awesome trainer in Rolleston, CHCH. I want to get comfortable at the 100kg mark, then start doing a little more cardio. Here’s my first crack at a 100kg (220lb) benchpress and a couple at 90kg. Technique is a little dodgy but I’ll sort that. Should be able to do a clean lift next week or two  Winking smile

Here’s the 100kg attempt…

And a few 90kg lifts…

Dad’s big lift…

Getting there! Pushed 10kg higher to a few reps at 90kg today! that’s two Jacksons on each arm! Feeling pretty fit at 40, but want to push to 100kg in the next month or so… Not too bad considering I started 6 months ago and could hardly lift 40kg!

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20kg bar + 70kg weights! Not bad for an oldie!

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