We took Jackson to the Zoo on the weekend to check out all the animals. I think he enjoyed it? 😉 We fed the Giraffe!
All posts in — Jack
Sarah’s Family’s Surprise Visit!
We have a visit for Scott (Sarah’s Dad) and Shona (Sarah’s Stepmum) over the weekend. Was fantastic to hang out and just spend some quality time. On sunday, we took off to Lake Hood. I wanted to check the Auxillary before heading out fishing with Ben in 2 weeks.
Dad and Jack heading out for a hoon!
Mum and Jack throwing stones!
The water was like glass! Was great to just blat along full tit and see how it performed. The boat is going great now we’ve added anti-cavitation plates to the motor. Much more stable!
The anti-cavitation plates totally make it plane faster and better and they smooth out the wake. No more roostertail! Thanks for the advice on this Ben! Really made a huge difference!
I love my family… but I think we’ll need a bigger boat soon 😉 It’s heaps of fun but kind of a tonka toy.
Can’t see him, but Jack is in front of Dad steering the boat. He’s a very serious driver!
Shona looking beautiful – keeping warm!

Yummy dinner – saussies and vege!
Scott and Shona bought a toy piano thing. He loves it!. In the morning Jack would run to Scott’s room yelling “Poppa! Poppa!”
My beautiful wife and I taking a break for a cuddle!
Getting the grime off – nice and clean!
The two troublemakers in the kitchen 😉 They took off to dinner and a movie to see a chick flick. Scott and I stayed back and with movies at home. Had boiled eggs.
Poppa imparting years of wisdom to Jackson…
Jack’s Horse!
Our very cute son has fallen in love with a Tigger soft toy and a rocking horse. I’ll upload a video so you can check them out.
Jack – Bob the builder!
Something tells me that Jackson could end up in the construction game! He’s such a natural tool lover! Can swing a hammer as good as dad can. 😉
Rub a dub dude (and dudette)!
Jackson hanging with mates (Ella and Grace) in the tub. I’m sure Ben and Rose would approve if we worked on a 20year plan to get Ella and Jack together!
Jack the cool kiwi dude!
I’m sure the chicks will dig Jack! He’s a but of a stud eh! I think black singlets should be in every Cantabrians wardrobe.
Hanging with Mates on the Lake!
We took off this day for a day on Lake Hood with Ben, Rose, Ella and baby Grace. Fantastic day had by all! I think we had the oldest boat on the lake but was still fun – it’s a speedy wee thing…
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