Our big day at South Island Trampoline Championship

(No they don’t jump on tramps without mats! This was just pack down at the end of day!)

We were up at 6am to get ready in front of the fire on a negative 7 degree Canterbury morning. It was so cold that when I tried to defrost the windscreen of the car I had to do it twice!  Warm up started at 7am at gym for the South Island Trampoline Championship Competition. This is the first big competition Jackson has been selected to compete in. The Competition included two teams from Australia, two teams from the North Island, one team from Dunedin, one from Invercargill, and two other teams from the Canterbury area. It was rather large and daunting. Jackson had to wear his Olympia Gymnastics uniform for the first time which included a leotard (argh!) that he was not impressed with! It is really not as bad as it sounds. All the boys have to wear them, but they wear shorts or long whites over the top so it doesn’t look like they are wearing swimmers! The leotards show off the boys bodies and allow the judges to see their body position and lines.

Alex (coach) slept in so Jackson and his team mates had to start warming up together. They have been doing this three times a week for the last 6 months so they all knew exactly what to do. Alex arrived just as the team were getting ready to get on the tramps for practice, and helped them out with expertise.

The first competition was for the Double Mini Trampoline (DMT) Men 10yrs and under. Jacksons first two passes were really good, but to be honest I was so nervous for him I could hardly watch. In the horse world in times of anxiety its not unusual to give your horse some calming aid (herbal) to take the edge off. I felt like I needed some myself today!! He got into the final and away he went again to complete another two great passes and win the competition! He was 1st = with the Australian representative.

The second class was the individual  Men 10yrs and Under Trampoline. He had two routines for this class – his age routine and a voluntary routine. He did two really solid routines and got into the final again. His next two routines were also very good and he was placed 2nd overall. His team mate Elliot Howe won by just under 1 point. Two happy campers, two proud Dads, a satisfied coach and two still shaking Mums at the sidelines!

All the competitors had a special treat from our youth Olympic representative – Dylan Schmidt who gave an inspiring demonstration for all to see. (Inspiring to competitors – death defying to Mums!) After this we had the prize giving ceremony, where medals, certificates and cute little koalas were given to all the medal winners.

The last part of the day was the Synchronized Trampoline Competition where William Sheree and Jackson competed as a team. They did two great routines and won their class – another Gold Medal came our way. William is an awesome athlete and has really inspired Jackson to start competitive trampolining so it was a real honor for Jackson to compete with this great little guy.

The two girls in the squad Jade Mitchell and Lauren Sheree also came away with medals. So team Olympia had a fantastic day. We need to say a BIG thanks to our awesome Russian coach Alex Nilov who trains the kids so well and keeps them as safe as possible. I personally think he is awesome ! He has transformed my leaping octopus into a winner!!

I am so proud of my little guy today. He has worked really hard and come so far. I hope you always chase your dreams. Anything is possible if you want it enough!

2ndIMG_3327Dylan and Jack cropped

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