Archive for February 27th, 2012

Jack vs Bath (Bath won!)

The joy of kids… Scream down the hallway and Jack was in the bathroom with a bloody head. He slipped due to there being no bathmat. The reason there was no mat was that it was still drying after Jack accidentally totally flooded the bathroom yesterday!

He left the tap running and ended up with 1.5 inches of water across the floor which took ages to mop!

Anyway, today he slipped, cut his head on the bath edge and ended up with a visit to A&E, a glued head and a few butterfly stitches…

Wonder what he’ll do tomorrow!





The New Kitten!

Meet the new member of the Stone family! Jackson has named him “Pinfold Cat in the Hat Stone”… Sheeesh! Of well, they’re happy and Livvy loves it.

Out vet Sheree found this wee fella sick on the side of the road, only a few weeks old. She took it home, checked it out and now we’re the new family! It’s pretty cute and has a great nature!
