Archive for January, 2012

Jack’s School Uniform!

Check out Jack’s new school uniform for Weedons School in West Melton (Christchurch)! He’s pretty excited about it all. Oh well! End of an era and the start of a new one! Our baby’s growing up!



The goofball kids!

Check out these vids of Olivia and Jack playing rough and tumble! I love seeing these two just playing and being total gooses… I think Jack is starting to really enjoy his sister and she totally adores him.   

Hey hey! We’re the ‘Stones’!

I guys they’re just living up to the family name below…


Olivia is walking!

Not bad for around 10 months! She’s trying to walk heaps at the mo! It’s sooooo cute! Go Livvy!

Visit to Akaroa…

We took off for a drive with the kids to Pigeon Bay but Livvy had other ideas. She did a full on car sick power chuck in Sarah’s new car.

With no spare clothes, we detoured to Akaroa and got a cheap shirt and pants. Had fish and chips, walked around in the blustery wind, checked out the lighthouse and drove home. Was a nice day!


Sarah’s Amazing Broccoli!

Check out this massive broccoli Sarah grew! I think she’s been sneaking it the fertilizer when I’m not looking! Huge eh!




this is the broc compared to a large dinner plate!


Our beautiful kid…

We must be doing something right to have a kid as gorgeous as this!



Jack Sleeping

How’s this for a good night time pose. Jack often tries new sleeping methods and I love when we can catch them on camera.


The new Sarah’mobile!

Check out Sarah’s new country cruiser! This should keep her out of trouble! It’s a great condition Mazda 3… Cheap as chips to run!

We’ve sold her old truck. It was a great runner but getting pretty costly with two diesel RUT wagons. Time for a cheapie…





Dam kids!

We popped up to Kowhai Bush the other day with Si and Jane. Simon and I taught the kids how to build a dam! Retro fun times hey!
