Archive for October 25th, 2010

Progress on the GoKart!

Looking good! I’ve managed to get the motor mounted with safe cover for the cogs and motor bits. The electric speed controller failed so it’s running fast all the time so I have ordered a new more powerful one off the net.

I’ve also butchered a 3 channel RC plane to get the servo’s out. I’ll use these to remote control the motor’s cutoff switch and potentiometer (speed).

image Also managed to get some Disc brakes off TradeMe from an old bike so that’ll be some good stopping power!

It’s a bit of a ‘Frankenkart’ but looking good! However Jack isn’t going on it until I have all the safety and ‘remote’ systems in place.

He’s going to love this! I’m trying to get it finished before Zach comes down for a holiday 🙂

Twit note:
As side note, all this effort, many hours researching and building and the one thing I overlooked was the direction of the motor. Ha! It was running in reverse the way I had it setup. Sheesh what a walley!

All credit to Ben Viv though who pointed out I should just flip the motor and cogs to the other side. That’s what mates are for – to aid us walleys by pointing out the obvious I overlooked.
