Archive for May, 2010

Some of dad’s cars & trucks!

No reason for this post other than memories…  😉

These are some of the vehicles I’ve owned over the years. There’s been quite a few more but I don’t have all the photos. Quite strange looking back at all the odd cars and trucks we’ve had…  😉

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Some of dad’s bikes…

I found a pile of old vehicle photos from my past. Here’s a few of the bikes I’ve owned over the years. There’s been more than this but these are the ones I have photos of…

The red scooter was the first vehicle I owned. I loved that bike!

Note: The black 750cc Katana arrives tomorrow thanks to selling the jet Kayaks last week  😉

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Wake Up Daddy!!

How would you like to be woken up by this crazy kid in the morning? He’s better than the loudest alarm clocks!

Random Photos!

Just some cool photos from my cool family…

Hugesmile1Jackmum1 Hodgeballs1